Tuesday 7 October 2014

If a tree falls in the forest...

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it even make a sound? Wishy washy philosophical twaddle: or so I used to think. But as I get older I realise that philosophy isn’t about finding answers, but it is about making you think. The tree thing? Of course it makes a sound. Tree, land, impact, sound…has to happen.

Except, suppose in this one case the impact made no sound at all?  If there was no one around, how do we know? There is no answer, but it makes you think.

It makes me think about blogging.

If you submit a post on the internet and no one ever reads it, did you have any impact? Did you even make a sound?

It makes me think about life.

If you pass away and leave nothing behind, no memories, no ideas, no children, no friends, did you have any impact? Did you make a sound?

That is why I blog. In addition to enjoying the freedom of writing, it is my way of having some impact. It is my way of making a sound.

I have a fantastic wife, two terrific children (plus their partners) and 6/7 amazing grandchildren. I expect they will have an impact, they will be my sound, but for much of my own life I have been relatively quiet. I did all the things you are supposed to do. I went to school and earned my degrees.  I raised a family. I put food on the table and a roof over heads, but in the great scheme of things I've been quiet. 
So I blog.

It is fun. It is rewarding. I meet people in cyber-space. I exchange ideas and opinions. I hear what others have to say. That means they make a sound.

If you read this: I made a sound.

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