Wednesday 4 February 2015

Is that all there is?

A wonderfully bright and crisp day, which is more than can be said for current political discourse. Prime Minister's Question Time this lunchtime (and, yes, I did watch most of it) was both puerile and pathetic. And the media is awash with synthetic indignation over Ed Balls forgetting someone's name. Only another 95 days to go to Polling Day and I find myself whistling the Peggy Lee song "Is that all there is?". Is this really the standard of debate we will have to put up with? 

Turning now to Miss Lee's performance: isn't it great? She really owns the song. It sounds Kurt Weil but isn't. Forget any existentialist analysis of the lyrics, she's simply singing about how we all focus on nonsense and make mountains out of molehills. And that's exactly where I started. 

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