Friday 1 July 2016

Exit Johnson stage right

Never in the political history of the United Kingdom have comparisons with the ”Grand old Duke of York" been more appropriate. Boris Johnson, who leapt on the EU referendum as a bicycle booster to his hopes of leading the Tory party, has looked upon the EUrine stained wreckage he has wrought and decided to spend more time with his lucrative other interests.

His decision to run away, and he could have stayed, has left Home Secretary Teresa May as the favourite to take over from Posh Dave. Forget Gove, he hasn't a chance. As much as the perfidious Johnson is disliked, people dislike disloyalty even more. So back to Teresa May. I will say that she's not my favourite politician but some view her as a sort of 21st century Maggie Thatcher. Maybe so, but only without the warmth, humanity or sense of humour. She’s confident that she can give the country what it wants during this time of national crisis, mainly because she’s snooped on everyone’s mobile phone messages.

Let's not forget that she is no stranger to post-truth politics herself, some of us can recall when she once stood up before the Tory party conference and told them the entirely ficticious tale of a Bolivian who couldn’t be deported because he had a pet cat. She’s the Home Secretary responsible for the vans bearing the racist “Go Home” adverts that patrolled our streets. She’s made no secret of her antipathy towards the European Treaty on Human Rights. She's adept in the politics of right wing dog whistle racism. I, for one, would not look forward to having her as our PM.

Britain is continuing its not so stately descent into madness. The thing about collective madness is that when everyone else around you is behaving like a crazy, then that legitimises craziness. That’s how you end up with a situation where the Parliamentary Labour party thinks that it can ditch Jeremy Corbyn as a leader and expects the grass roots membership not to immediately vote him back into office again. Polls strongly point to ordinary Labour members doing just that, meaning Jeremy will lead a party where almost 80% of MPs and Labour’s entire cohort of MEPs have voted to get rid of him.

We’re now a week on from the UK pushing the big red Brexit button and we’re still no wiser about what’s happening to the country. With the exception of the Scottish Government, no one has a plan for Brexit, and there’s still no prospect of either of the two main UK parties having one any time soon. In times of uncertainty it’s vital to act decisively. Westminster seems totally incapable of doing so. And they have the gall to describe themselves as professional politicians.

But it does give me the opportunity to dig out some clips of great vintage music. 

1 comment:

Brian Champness said...

Yes, Labour Members will vote him back if given a chance, but the 3/4 of Labour MPs who are expressing no confidence in him are not necessarily traitors. Labour has a constitutional duty to oppose, (indeed they are paid formal opposition funds to do so), and if Jeremy simply is not up to the job of leading the drive against the Tories, (although he may inspire ordinary members), then something has to change. Maybe the current Watson-led MPs' move to write Corbyn policies into the Parliamentary programme may persuade him and his followers, maybe not. The simple fact remains that with three-quarters of the PLP expressing no confidence in him AS THEIR LEADER IN PARLIAMENT, proper opposition to the Tories cannot work. And that is terrible for our country.